High Point University

College Against Cancer hosts Relay For Life

By Veronica Fulton// Organizations Editor

Colleges Against Cancer is a new club on campus. The students involved are responsible for shaping the organization into what they want it to be. The club hosts events around campus to fundraise for the American Cancer Society. “We try to raise awareness on campus to make sure students know about the various types of cancers and how to best prevent them,” said Grace Barrett, HPU junior. “Last semester we held an event to raise awareness for cervical cancer by inviting students to get their hair, nails and makeup done.”

Each student has a reason for joining, but for Barrett, she said, “I joined CAC because I felt that this was a cause that touched my family and friends, and I wanted to support them as much as possible.”

Barrett is the director of social media for CAC. This includes creating and publishing content on all of their social media platforms. Since the club is so new, Barrett helps with a lot of event planning, team recruiting and other activities as needed.

The CAC events range from dodgeball tournaments, local profit shares, social media challenges and much more. The club has a lot of freedom when it comes to planning events because they are so new.

“We want to have events that appeal to all different types of students, so we plan various activities,” Barrett said.

As a part of their Hope Week, on April 4 they hosted a Give Back Night at Blue Rock Pizza. Today, they are hosting a purple painted statue fundraiser where a student will act as a statue until the student is covered in purple paint for donations. They also have a social media initiative to raise $1,000 in a day. On April 9, the Relay for Life walk is at 6 p.m. on the intramural fields.

For more information on Colleges Against Cancer, follow them on Twitter or Instagram – @hpu_relay.