High Point University

Words of motivation from HPU students

By Peter Gagnon// Staff Writer

High Point University is known for it’s famous quote of the day shared on Instagram or email you each day of the year. These quotes are all from famous politicians, public speakers, motivators, environmentalists and more. One of the most recent ones was, “To make mistakes is human; to stumble is a commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity,” by William Arthur Ward. This is just one of the 364 other incredible quotes they have each day. The quote of the day tradition is special here at HPU and continues to show how inspiring the school is. However, all these quotes have one thing in common – they want you to become motivated.

Motivation can come in all different forms. Some people may not realize it, but motivation is a key ingredient for success. This is especially true for college students. Personally, I have always been driven by hearing a success story of someone I can look up to. It can be a politician, a writer, a parent, or even a superhero. Motivation comes in all shapes and sizes.

In fact, HPU’s President, Dr. Nido Qubein, is one of the nation’s most influential speakers. We are lucky as students to be able to listen to President Qubein speak during the President’s Seminar freshman year. Throughout these seminars, he teaches us life tips such as transitioning to college and other topics about time management and some history about how far HPU has come in the past 10 years.

HPU has so many motivational aspects to it, which really makes sense why many describe it as an “inspiring environment.” It really isn’t hard for students to get excited about making their own motivational quotes of their own after the past lessons they have learned. The Campus Chronicle asked students what motivational quote they’d write or share on the calendar if they had the opportunity to. Here are their responses:

“Don’t be afraid to make edits in the story of your life.” – Jenn Hahn, Class of 2020

“Wisdom is the setting stone for the diamond of power.” – Charlie Norman, Class of 2020

“Be somebody no one thought you could be – William Chapman” – Emily Martin, Class of 2020

“Live life in moderation.” – Luke Tatman, Class 2020