‘Game of Thrones’ Season 8 premiere leaked online three weeks early

By Jack Murphy// A&E Editor
I was gonna write something positive about how everyone, including myself, had finally waited long enough for the return of “Game of Thrones” season eight, and how awesome it’s going to be. I was really debating what I would do to celebrate its arrival. I was thinking of writing a preview of season eight, full of my best predictions of who was going to end up sitting on the iron throne. I could have also ranked all the seasons of “Game of Thrones” as I’m currently on my fifth, yes fifth, rewatch of the show since I was introduced to it in the summer of 2017. There were a bunch of possibilities for me to express my excitement after waiting 573 days since the premiere of the season seven finale, but then my excitement was nearly crushed by the headlines that began coming out one Friday morning.
“Game of Thrones Season 8 Premiere Details Leak Online,” is the headline that crushed my Friday. According to the Daily Mail, “a Redditor/Youtuber dubbed TheRealFrikiDoctor posted a lengthy video that reveals, in great detail, the entire Season 8 premiere episode, but the video was promptly removed from YouTube. While the video was removed, several of the details have already started to leak out onto Twitter.”
These are the times I wish social media didn’t exist, or that I wasn’t so addicted to it. I could have easily avoided these spoilers by just waiting the three weeks till the premiere, but no, I’m addicted to Twitter.
All I wanted was to avoid getting spoiled by the actual trailer or magazines, but now I have to avoid the actual episode itself, all because someone on “Reddit” decided to ruin it for everyone. Do I have to re-emphasize that it has been 573 days? It’s felt like a millennium and we made it too far to hear the spoilers now.
In 2017, season seven of “Game of Thrones” had, not one, but two episodes leaked before the release of the season, and both of them got ruined for me by popping up randomly in my “Youtube Recommend” section. Words cannot describe my anger at whoever leaked the episode and at “HBO” after. I was just trying to watch highlights of Adrian Peterson on the “Minnesota Vikings,” but instead I got mega spoilers, spoiled when “Youtube” recommend me a scene from a leaked episode involving the death of an important character in “Game of Thrones.”
I don’t understand how stuff keeps getting leaked at “HBO,” and how their security is still as useful as a rotten potato after what happened last season. Did these people not learn anything? Disney has “Avengers: End Game” coming out this month and yet nothing has been leaked, and it’s on the most anticipated movies ever made.
“I can’t understand why HBO couldn’t put those six episodes in the same place as the nuclear launch codes until they had to be uploaded onto HBO’s server every Sunday night is beyond me,” said Barstool Clem.
Hopefully, it doesn’t happen to me and probably doesn’t happen to anyone else, but I would recommend to anyone else who watches “Game of Thrones” who doesn’t want to get spoiled not look up “Game of Thrones’ online anymore until the show has ended. That might sound extreme, but you never know what will happen and people online want to make our days as joy-filled as the red wedding.
I decided to write on this topic because I want to inform as many people as possible that this is a thing and it sucks, and I don’t want it to happen to anyone else, especially this far in advance, because when I got spoiled it was only a couple of days in advanced maybe more, but three weeks? While whoever leaked this wants to figuratively stab the fans of Thrones in the heart while uttering the phrase, “The Lannisters send their regards,” but I’m going be smarter than that for now on and hopefully I’ve saved from unfortunate fans from the worst spoilers of their lives. Now, I’m going to go outside, maybe ride a bike, or figure out something to do for the next three weeks of my life, because April 14 cannot get here soon enough.
Season 8 of ‘Game of Thrones’ premieres April 14th on HBO, or on a pirated website a week early if it gets leaked again. Picture by Entertainment Weekly